Thursday, September 1, 2022

knock it off.

 is it real?

not a fleshly being in this house besides me...

so...according to the flesh no...according to the spirit...OH YES.

BUT...i teeter on the line of real and unreal to keep the righteousness of law between me and these knees...but i shudder when he speaks to me...if i wasn't so damn silly i'd just gon head and say it...but naw...I'mma keep you guessing...

today...i'm wrapped...ephesians ish...

I'm somebody's wife...this is my sacrifice...

Hebrews 13:16

Thank you God for this Body...all female...and pleased.

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surfed it durked it...chruk it

 so i had a gunna stunna? are you gonna dunna? fuck a hunna tunna? if you a hunter, gunter...shunter? fuck you mean dunnner? its the hundere...