Friday, July 22, 2022

The Man of Lawlessness

 now tell me dis nigga don't look like them things that eat the kids farmed on promised neverland?

ugly ass boi love to eat black baby meat...dis me being a medium snitching. 3

Thursday, July 21, 2022

Oops I did it again.

 i made you believe...I wouldn't just spin.

well...I did...fuck you gon do about it?


Clarissa and Her Mama Lyn...tuh


 Jesus Saves.

Jesus Delivers.

Jesus Heals.

Jesus is A friend. 

Jesus is a lover.

Jesus is a forgiver

Jesus is now mad.

fuck yall thought this was?

we on da move...and we ain't done.

1 Corinthians 10=9-10

Pig Latin.

 five oh.

youre appreciated

even when youre being asshats...someone has to do the tough job of being the mediator between me and dese nosey ass neighbors

if they step to me in my face

they have to confess their lying ways

and they too wicked for dat.

so thanks for being the back up for Satan.

you rock. 



 I love yall.

real shit.

yall make me so happy with the capping.

Please don't stop and I will never quit.



 if i spelled dat shit wrong, my bad.

i don't spellcheck shit...dis me being and authenticist

so yea,

trust me, i'm down for some midwest swing...if you know what i mean.

send forth your best bone thugs and harmony mixtapes and some of whatever tf youre known for. 

and i will give you more love...i'm not well versed in cinncinnctate speak so please excuse me...thanks


 Please send forth this message:


you make me vomit with how retarded you are.

i can't believe i let you eat my ass.

you are not worthy.


Thanks bitch. 


 da cornball over at space x.

i speak real American language...the kind that is in your face plain.

your innuendos and martian speak off your high end premium drug brain is very offputting...i have no idea what the fuck youre talking about...

you are a billionaire for a done ate some high end dirt from the himalayas and done got some insight on how to get some booty from the literal venus and it be legal cuz its venus and not earth

i want no parts. it smell like fart over i heard...from that magic school bus episode back in da day. 3

Kandi Burruss Can't Sing!!!

 I said what i said...Rissa voice.

INdia. was never that fuking deep

 girl listen,

youre ugly.

your music even admitted it.

fuck you over here lying for?

i don't want your crystals...

people thought your barz were mine.

i don't even want them...take dat shit back den...fuck it.

Gobble freestyles.

 why bitches wanna judge when dey eat late?


yo whole back is you have rolls starting from your neck down to your cellulite infested ass.

we are seriously not the same...

judging by the way you play the flute, how obese you are and your impeccable english diction...youre a privileged nigger bitch who got spoiled with all your favorite cookies as a got a good dentist with your sugar obsession...we are not the fuck the same fat ass step off my shit you walrus.

Listen here church door attendent.

 you are not my type.

yes, i was married to a nigga that many said looked like you.

ok and?

your music is subpar at best.

youre, never made the team you idiot.


 If you love those who love you what benefit is that to you? For even sinners do the same Luke 6:33

American Blood Diamond Interpretation:

Bitch, yes, i pissed you off cuz i said abortion is me anyway.

Nigga, yes, I pissed you off cuz i'm not in love with you like you thought i was and truly don't prefer your dick...especially when you think that will get me to cap for you like i cap for my need to just love me instead of lust me...3

asshats who are committed to sodomy cap...stay yo ass over there where you at...I read the new testament and I ain't gotta fuck with all.

you gon burn and I don't want no parts. 3

Carbonated Beverages.

 Hello Fresh

Yall cute and all

send a nigga some kool aide



Experiments with The Experience.

 John The Baptist chose to live in the wilderness...he was proven prophetic...he spoke so well, so good, so accurate...eating locusts, honey and dressed in camel cloth.

Clarissa the American Blood Diamond...chooses to live alone...clearly spied on and hacked...she has nothing to hide...proving that her ritual of prayer, song and dance is the ultimate happiness vibe.

Those who rose to debunk these truths are the following:

  1. the self righteous: oh i read these many books for this many hours and clearly i'm right because i'm right, oh i have this title and this position cuz i kissed this many asses...clearly i'm right cuz i'm right.
  2. the judgers: ew look her hair, look her missing teeth, look at her dark skin...clearly she's a fraud! her name is too pure to be her given name...omg, she's a whore because i slept with at 20 people in my life and clearly she did more bodies than me, i can say that cuz i want to feel better...ew she's smoking weed!!!...yes i've done coke, molly, several opiods, addicted to caffeine, sugar and all types of greasy foods and burning hot dicks...ew but look at her!! she's must worse!
  3. the fornicators
  4. the sodomizers
  5. the scissor freaks
  6. the wealthy: i have several fucking dollars!! and things!! who tf does she think she is? being broke and smart on several free blog spaces...fuq dat bitch.
  7. beyonce
  8. kim jung oon
  9. betsy devos
  10. a dude named whore hay

American Blood Diamond.

Magneto Vibes.

 I was born a magnet.

A heart magnet.

The kind where you love to hate me and can't seem to look away.

Are you sure you want to play the game of muting me?

I have several who love to love me...why?

cuz i keep it real...

cuz i keep it raw...

I ain't hiding behind lies of being politically correct...

Jesus is My Law.

and you can't kill me for dat's a church out there that will for certain slap can't stop my shine.

you can't control my mind.

I learned this impeccable wpm skill in the 6th grade...

I trained for this my whole life got 100% on every spelling test...

i wrote and wrote and it was my biggest heart's content...

My ancestors been on da dial...nigga you just got hit.


 I've issued several monikers to ensure my freedom of expression, speech and emotion would not be impeded upon.

You call it crazy.

This is how America Defines Crazy.

Crazy: (american translation) individuals who decide to think outside of the norm and bravely saying what is truly from within happily being boosted from the literature of God called the Holy Bible. Its contents guided by the spirit of God working through those who physically wrote it.

This world has always been in opposite of the Kingdom of God.

This world has never been on the winning side...

You got flooded for your wicked...

Sodom and Gomorrah is not underwater...that shit is no more.

Hiroshima was spying too much and overstepping.

Hitler served his know his name right?

See what you will understand about me is that I'm gon keep isn't a crime...

See...I am who I say I am.

You aren't who you say you are.

You are not honest...Joe Biden.

You are not noble...Jay Z.

You are not smart...Angela Rye.

You are not skilled...Zuckerberg.

Otherwise you would have taken my love for what it was instead of challenging the source of my joy.

1 Corinthians 10:9-10

You tested it...My legions own this now...3

surfed it durked it...chruk it

 so i had a gunna stunna? are you gonna dunna? fuck a hunna tunna? if you a hunter, gunter...shunter? fuck you mean dunnner? its the hundere...