Thursday, July 21, 2022

Experiments with The Experience.

 John The Baptist chose to live in the wilderness...he was proven prophetic...he spoke so well, so good, so accurate...eating locusts, honey and dressed in camel cloth.

Clarissa the American Blood Diamond...chooses to live alone...clearly spied on and hacked...she has nothing to hide...proving that her ritual of prayer, song and dance is the ultimate happiness vibe.

Those who rose to debunk these truths are the following:

  1. the self righteous: oh i read these many books for this many hours and clearly i'm right because i'm right, oh i have this title and this position cuz i kissed this many asses...clearly i'm right cuz i'm right.
  2. the judgers: ew look her hair, look her missing teeth, look at her dark skin...clearly she's a fraud! her name is too pure to be her given name...omg, she's a whore because i slept with at 20 people in my life and clearly she did more bodies than me, i can say that cuz i want to feel better...ew she's smoking weed!!!...yes i've done coke, molly, several opiods, addicted to caffeine, sugar and all types of greasy foods and burning hot dicks...ew but look at her!! she's must worse!
  3. the fornicators
  4. the sodomizers
  5. the scissor freaks
  6. the wealthy: i have several fucking dollars!! and things!! who tf does she think she is? being broke and smart on several free blog spaces...fuq dat bitch.
  7. beyonce
  8. kim jung oon
  9. betsy devos
  10. a dude named whore hay

American Blood Diamond.

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surfed it durked it...chruk it

 so i had a gunna stunna? are you gonna dunna? fuck a hunna tunna? if you a hunter, gunter...shunter? fuck you mean dunnner? its the hundere...