Sunday, August 21, 2022

Mr. Stone Cold

 The day I encountered the attitude era...I was in my house watching for the lottery numbers on WGN...pick 3...pick foh

I was tryna get back to the WWF Smackdown so i can join in on the conversations wit my frenz and nem...I wasn't talkin bout no jabroni

I was sayin...I'm gon kick yo ass...plain...just like dat bad ass steve austin

beer can in hand...bald head goatee flex...boy, youre quite the sexy rough red neck

and den..and den...I got married.

Yo ass know you too old for me...I will twerk yo ass into a cemetary...please move slow and settle for being my can still get a hug...witcho thirsty ass... iwonttell


Niece Queen 3 on ya Deddy Side.

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surfed it durked it...chruk it

 so i had a gunna stunna? are you gonna dunna? fuck a hunna tunna? if you a hunter, gunter...shunter? fuck you mean dunnner? its the hundere...