Friday, August 26, 2022

Giants don't come in Size Small

 I was wondering if there were a real way to say this...

I'm very aware...I'm very here.




let's talk...THE LADY....clarissa marie. QUEEN 3.

belongs to me.

She's not a cheap lay.

she's not a girl you can abuse and toy with.

She's a beautiful woman, adorned in love, and blessed by immense favor.

she gives love...great deep love...and it is by design.

if you have been in her her head...and chose to rape her with no gifts, no movement, no love, not even any money to pay her do you think her KING will feel? me...things are happening...the LADY belongs to me...see, wavy.


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surfed it durked it...chruk it

 so i had a gunna stunna? are you gonna dunna? fuck a hunna tunna? if you a hunter, gunter...shunter? fuck you mean dunnner? its the hundere...